24 Solar Terms——Start of Summer

May 05, 2024Byiqingdao

Start of Summer is the 7th solar term of the Chinese 24 Solar Terms and the first solar term in summer. Just as its name suggests, the Start of Summer means the end of spring and summer starts. There are many customs on the day of the Start of Summer, such as eating the Start of Summer meal, weighing people, hitting the eggs, and tasting “three new plants.” Entering the Start of Summer, people’s metabolism accelerates, and the supply of heart, brain, and blood is insufficient, often causing restlessness, fatigue, and laziness. Reasonably arrange daily routines, supplement nutrients, and adopt correct health and wellness methods.

One of the climatic characteristics of the Start of Summer is the significant increase in showers and thunderstorms. The Start of Summer is an essential solar term that marks the peak season of growth for all things. After this day, the rainy season officially begins, with a significant increase in rainfall and rainy days. Summer is the best season for many crops to thrive, with sufficient sunlight, suitable temperature, and abundant rain providing the necessary conditions for plants. All things flourish, starting from the day of the Start of Summer.

Hitting the Eggs
Hitting the Eggs is usually a game for children. To use cooked eggs, it is usually a whole egg cooked in boiled water with the shell (the shell cannot be damaged). The rule of hitting the eggs is quite simple: "comparing whose eggshell is harder": everyone holds an egg, with the pointed one as the head and the round one as the tail. The egg head hits the egg head, and the tail hits the egg tail, fighting one by one. If the eggshell breaks, it means losing, and the loser will eat their eggs. The egg that remains unbreakable in the fight is revered as the "Egg King".

Tasting “Three New Plants
In the customs of the Start of Summer in Jiangnan, there is a saying called "Jian three new plants", which means eating fresh and tender plants that grow during this season. There is a custom of "tasting three new plants at the Start of Summer" in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. "Three new plants " refers to newly ripe cherries, green plums, and wheat.

(By Yang Jiming/Qi Qian)