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Qingdao Ranks 7th among the 2022 Top 100 Digital Cities

Nov 10, 2022Byiqingdao

On November 8, the 2022 China Digital City Competitiveness Research Report focused on the construction content of urban digital transformation and development, evaluated from six aspects: information foundation, urban governance, livelihood services, industrial economy, technological innovation, and low-carbon development, and formed the "2022 Top 100 Digital Cities" list.

Qingdao has entered the first echelon, ranking 7th. At the same time, Qingdao is the only city in this field to promote the typical practice of people's livelihood service construction in the above report.

In recent years, Qingdao has been committed to building a "Digital China" construction demonstration area and a "Digital Shandong" leading core area, highlighting the four development orientations of high efficiency of government governance, high quality of residents' lives, high quality of economic development, and high level of basic support, and vigorously implementing the five major projects, including national digital government benchmarking project, the inclusive digital society model project, the first-class digital economy demonstration project and the hard core digital facility sign project, promoting the deep coupling between the digital transformation reform and the whole process of urban economic and social fields, to achieve digital empowerment, institutional remodeling, and integrated promotion.

A number of digital transformation reform practices, such as digital government, digital examination and approval, government middle office, and one network unified management, have been promoted nationwide, and reform achievements in the field of people's livelihood services are quite fruitful.

(By Yuanyu)

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